Today I went to a speaking event where the topic was around women leadership and gender activism. We gathered in the spirit of mama Charlotte Maxeke who was known to be the kind of woman who occupied spaces she was not welcome in. The kind of woman who was vocal and had ideas. The kind of woman who ...
The chosen ones And when we saw a black woman at the helm, we got excited, we felt represented. We thought, finally, our lives would matter too. You would expect a woman to understand rape. So many of us are unwilling victims, we carry a wound we didn’t sign up for. It’s ...
South African women are dead. Dear sis Pinky I saw your video and I was moved, unfortunately for you I am part of a very small minority. Mama, our women are dead. You were speaking to corpses. As you have noted, there was no public outcry or social media rage about Nanziwe Rulashe. We as a nat...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE It was with the deepest dismay to note my name being raised in the press statement released by Molemo Jubjub Maarohanye’s parents this past weekend. (December 5 2021) I would like to correct something. I lost my case because I posted an alleged v...
Dear Makhadzi First of all I want to tell you what a brilliant talent you are. How we have watched your energy sweep over this nation without provocation. How you have set the country alight during probably the most difficult time of our Era. Your fresh and youthful energy has literally...
I speak for every dark skinned girl who has ever been shunned for trying to steal the limelight of a yellow bone, and for every natural haired sister who has been overlooked for a weave. The weave has had very real and emotional implications in our lives as black women. We have all been faced wit...
I have been watching the Black economy debate with dismay and disappointment as I realized that black people don’t actually have a lived experience of ownership outside the white gaze and control. As we speak of the economy you can tell that we are not conscious of the system we have...
What about Phoenix? What are we going to do about the blood spilt in Phoenix? I notice there are two opposing views playing out in society. The first and dominant view is that the looters deserved to die and the Indian community of Phoenix did the right thing. The second view however, is that ...
8 August 2020 Women’s Day Address available on YouTube It is woman’s day in South Africa. I found it fitting to address my sisters, my mothers ,my daughters, my nieces this morning, mainly because the women in ANC have g...